18 Nov 2019

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine visited today Krusevac to deliver a new ambulance to the Emergency Department of the Health Center in Kruševac. Just a month ago, Princess Katherine Foundation delivered ten electric Stryker beds to intensive care unit of Kruševac General Hospital and on that occasion, Princess Katherine promised the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar and all the attendees that she will fulfill their request and get an ambulance for Kruševac Health Center.
Just one month after, TRH donated a new ambulance, model PEUGEOT BOXER L2H2 EURO 6 worth more than 35,000 EUR to Health Center in Krusevac. The donation was provided by Mrs. Jasmina and Mr. Don Boulanger, through Lifeline's New York office, whose patron is HRH Princess Katherine.
“When my friends Jasmine and Don Boulanger from California heard about this request, they said: We will buy the ambulance. This is a gift from our heart to this Health Center and for all the doctors, nurses and technicians who are heroes that work here”, Princess Kathere said in her speech.
Dr. Marina Kostic, Director of the Health Center in Krusevac, Mr. Zivojin Miloradovic, President of the Municipal Assembly Krusevac, Dr. Vesna Stevic Gajic, Director of Krusevac General Hospital as well as the entire medical staff, thanked HRH Crown Princess Katherine for her valuable help.
During their visit to Krusevac, TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine, also visited Baghdala Hill, where HRH Crown Prince Alexander laid a wreath on the monument dedicated to the innocent civilians executed in 1944 and 1945. Many members of the Kingdom of Serbia Association greeted His Royal Highness.
The Royal Couple then headed to Kraljevo, where they attended the opening of the exhibition "Mummy", by Zeljko Markovic. The exhibition shows photographs and documentation discovered by Mr. Markovic in Tenerife, as a legacy of the Royal Army officer Momcilo Vukovic Bircanin, Personal Secretary to HM King Peter II. When he was a boy, HRH Crown Prince Alexander had the opportunity to meet and spend time with Mr. Bircanin. The exhibition was organized in coordination witgvthe Historical Archive of Kraljevo and the Uzice Historical Archive.
The opening of the exhibition was also attended by Mr. Nenad Markovic, President of the City Assembly of Kraljevo, Mrs. Vesna Milojevic, Director of the Historical Archives of Kraljevo, and Father Ljubinko Kostic, Archierarch Envoy of Bishop Justin of Zica.
On this occasion, the Kraljevo Royal Crowns American Football Club gave Their Royal Highnesses three golden medals, one from the pioneers of club which that they got as as champions of Serbia, second from seniors of the Royal Club which they won as champions of the Arena League of Serbia, while third is given to Crown Prince Alexander to hand it over to his son, Prince Alexander, who is the Parton of Royal Crowns American Football Club.